Care for your Soul and Spirit
Through the Spiritual Care services that we offer at The Well, our goal is to help you connect with the deeper area of your inner spirit, the place within you that is home to such things as your identity, purpose, relational intimacy, and connection to faith and God. We believe that spiritual care is integral to our overall well-being, as it is deeply connected to our minds and our bodies. Whether you have a particular faith tradition or not, spiritual care is vital for everyone. At The Well, we believe that tapping into the needs of the spirit provides greater benefit than just addressing the emotional and behavioral needs. Explore our spiritual care services, and call us with any questions or to book an appointment.
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral counseling is a faith-based approach to the needs of individuals, couples, and families in order to foster healing, renewal, reconciliation, and transformation.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction provides a safe, confidential space where you can explore God’s presence in your life. It may be helpful if you are feeling an inner longing to connect with God, are trying to find God’s presence as you navigate through life’s challenges, or want to deepen your relationship with him. Through conversation and reflection with an experienced Spiritual Director, you will become more attuned to God’s presence in your life.
Typically, spiritual direction is a one-hour, one-on-one conversation between the director and you. During the meeting, you and the director seek to enter into a prayerful atmosphere where together you can be attentive to the movement of God in your life. The director may listen, question, challenge, suggest, and support you, and may suggest spiritual exercises or specific content of prayer.
In contrast with counseling, spiritual direction is fundamentally concerned with a person’s relationship with God: with recognizing and responding to God in daily life as well as in the midst of specific issues of struggle or disorder. A spiritual director may refer you to counseling if appropriate, just as your counselor may suggest spiritual direction. The two services can work hand-in-hand.
Spiritual direction sessions are usually one hour in length and are recommended for one session per month.
For more information or to schedule an appointment for Spiritual Direction, contact us.
Enneagram Personality Test & Consultation
The Enneagram is a tool for better understanding your personality type and how it impacts the way you think, feel, and interact with others. After taking an online test, our experienced staff will interpret your results and help you lean into the talents, abilities, and uniqueness that you possess. The Enneagram is great for individuals, couples, or groups. For more information or to schedule an Enneagram, contact us.
Elm Street Farm Retreat House - Berkley, MA
We offer Guided Retreats and Silent Retreats, which create a space for reflection, prayer, and care of oneself. A Retreat Guide facilitates spiritual exercises designed to support you as you take time away from the busyness of life and tune into the needs of your spirit. We find that people who attend retreats invariably return home lighter, rejuvenated, consoled, and rested.
Retreats are typically offered in a one-day format or as an overnight stay for one or two nights. They usually include periods of silence as well as times of group and individual reflection. The Retreat Guide serves as a listener and companion on your journey.
We are happy to schedule retreats for small groups, such as book clubs, staff gatherings, and moms clubs. Please contact us to discuss a custom-tailored retreat. .
For more information on upcoming retreats, email Deb Bellevue at
We all need to experience God and have a sense of his care for us. One of the ways that we experience God is through prayer. In prayer, you have the opportunity to bring your needs, requests, concerns, adoration and worship before God.
We will be happy to meet with those who have never prayed or individuals who already make prayer part of their daily routine. If you are feeling drawn to prayer, it would be our pleasure to pray with you. For more information or to schedule an appointment for Spiritual Care, contact us.